A Call for Jewish Education Through Gaming and Game Design

From Section:
Technology & Computers
May. 26, 2011
May 26, 2011

Source: eJewish Philanthropy


As part of a series prepared by presenters at Judaism 2030 on eJewish Philanthropy, Rabbi Owen Gottlieb posted an article calling for developing the use of games in Jewish education.


He writes:
"It is a crucial time for Jewish philanthropy to turn to Games for Learning. 97% of today’s youth are digital gamers, and with the proliferation of the iPhone, Android, iPad, and other tablets, games are becoming ubiquitous among adults as well – on subways of NYC and on table tops as gamers enjoy more complex board and card games at home and at parties. To date, no Game for Jewish Learning (based on Learning Science principles) is available for the iPhone or iPad. There are those of us who have the skills to make these games a reality and want to make them happen – to bring knowledge of the learning sciences to bear on the next generation of Jewish education, but to tailor such games to Jewish subjects and audiences, we need support from the Jewish philanthropic community.


In my presentation at the Jewish Outreach Institute’s Judaism2030 Conference, I will present the emerging disciplines of Serious Games and Games for Learning. I will draw connections between current Games for Learning endeavors and the potential they can bring to Jewish education, identity formation, and community in the years to come. And for those who miss the conference, this is a conversation I hope to spread within the larger Jewish community. Let The Jewish Learning Games Begin!"


Rabbi Owen Gottlieb is a Jim Joseph Fellow and Ph.D. Candidate in Education and Jewish Studies at NYU, specializing in Digital Media and Learning.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
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