The “Death of Distance” or Sharing and Playing: Computers and Networks in Education and Learning – A MOFET Webinar with Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli

From Section:
In-Service Training
Mar. 02, 2011
November 23, 2011

Source: MOFET ITEC Webinars 


In this free webinar, to be held on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2011 at 19:00 – 20:30 - Israel time, Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli, of Haifa University, will critique the uses of computers and networks in teaching, educating and learning.


Actors and stakeholders in the educational enterprise need to make informed, assertive and constructive use of social networks. Networks are where our students spend their time, and where knowledge is constructed, shared and stored. It is the educators' responsibility to infuse the news with content based on sharing and play. These two components, sharing and play, are major parts of the future of education and learning in a networked world. We need to better understand and leverage them.


Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli (B.A., Haifa University, M.A. Ohio State University, M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University) is Director of the the Sagy Center for Internet Research (InfoSoc, the Center for the Study of the Information Society) and Head of the Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa Israel. He also leads the "Games for Exectives Project". Prof. Rafaeli has published extensively on the topic of computers as media in journals, weekly columns for financial and business newspapers, online news portals and more.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
In-service training | Social networks | Technology | Webinars