Hazak (55+) at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

From Section:
Adult Education
Feb. 02, 2014

Source: Hazak


Hazak is the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's organization for mature Jews. It provides programming for people 55 and older who are members of our affiliated congregations.


The name HAZAK is an acronym. The het stands for Hokhmah (wisdom), the zayan for Ziknah (maturity) and the kuph for Kadima (looking ahead). So Hazak notes that the senior represents cumulative knowledge, the ability to judge as zakeyn in a mature fashion, and has aspirations to move ahead during the decades remaining. With that in mind, Hazak is designed to address the needs of seniors in full-service congregations where programming priorities often are targeted to the younger congregant.


Seniors are the most rapidly growing segment of the Jewish population. Hazak complements congregational adult education programs with specially designed social, spiritual and educational components for them. Hazak members not only have the opportunity to meet on a regular basis with peers from their own congregations but with fellow Jews from other affiliated Conservative congregations in their community, region and nation.


These opportunities will help develop a sense of community through a variety of creative programs that include study, prayer, entertainment and socializing. Hazak affirms the traditional Jewish view that mature adults should have the opportunity to continue to learn and be active in their congregations, their communities and among themselves. Hazak offers its members the opportunity to travel together, participate in programs together, and use their own skills and knowledge as well as outside resources. Thus, Hazak promotes Judaism to seniors through projects and experiences both in the synagogue environment and on a community level.


See Tablet Magazine's feature article about synagogues adapting to serve older congregants.

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Adult education | Community education | Seniors | Synagogues