Race for Independence at Independence Hall of Israel

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Technology & Computers
Feb. 27, 2015

Source: Independence Hall of Israel


Independence Hall Museum is pleased to invite kids and grownups to have fun playing the interactive game "Race for Independence!" in historical old Tel Aviv. The game, which is a smartphone app in the form of a contest between groups of two or three players, is an educational and entertaining way to get to know the history of the first Hebrew city and the story of Israel’s Declaration of Independence.


The players of "Race for Independence" must compete to prepare the Israel Independence ceremony by decorating the Hall, inviting the guests, protecting the Independence Scroll and much more before the time runs out.


The activity, which takes about three hours, includes a tour, a short film and a visit to Independence Hall, where the State of Israel was declared on the 5th day of Iyar 5708 (May 14th 1948), the day before the British Mandate in Palestine was to expire. The game can be played in either Ivrit or English.


For details about the game and reservations write to: reservations@ihi.org.il

Updated: Feb. 07, 2017
Experiential education | Informal education | Israel education | Technology