A free new “Jews of London” self-guided walking tour launched

April 28, 2021

Source: Jewish Heritage Europe


The COVID vaccine roll-out is raising hopes for eased restrictions on travel and visits to cultural sites. Just in time — United Synagogue, the British orthodox synagogue umbrella, has launched a free new smartphone self-guided walking tour of historic Jewish London. The Jewish of London tour is organized around 15 thematic “stops” in central London and the East End.

The tour is not a downloadable app, like so many self-guided tours. Instead, it is based on podcasts about the places and their history, which users must contact on the spot via smartphone data.

The podcasts last about four to six minutes and are accompanied by a picture and text, as well as a map of the “stop” location and directions how to walk there.

Sometimes the podcast will be about a broad period or area of Jewish history in London, and the picture or text will focus on something narrower. Sometimes, the document or text will be about something seemingly unrelated to the podcast, but will give you context. The walk is connected through a web site, which also has an overall map — and you can also listen to the podcasts and read the textual material in your browser.

Updated: May. 10, 2021
