Covid-19 & Chinuch: Lessons Learned Opportunities Uncovered – Teaching & Learning


Source: Azrieli Graduate School 


This special series of the Azrieli Papers highlights the ways in which Covid-19 prompted an examination of Jewish education, including practices and underlying philosophies. The essays in this and the following two volumes offer a view of the lessons we have learned in these uncertain times and the opportunities we have uncovered. Each essay begins with a discussion by educators and educational consumers “on the ground”—sharing their experiences and thoughts. These essays are paired with a companion article by an Azrieli or YU faculty member, offering their thoughts as well as providing research, readings and resources to expand on the topic.

This first volume focuses on teaching and learning, the classroom experience for teachers and students. The first essay pairing by Sharon Freundel and Karen Shawn considers movement towards student-centered teaching and mentoring prompted by Covid which may infuse the field moving forward.

The team of educators from Yeshiva University High School for Girls (Hadassah Frankel, Audi Hecht, Leah Mosovich & Bracha Rutner) share the innovations generated by their radical flexibility, further explored by Ilana Turestsky.

Considering the opportunity to rethink assessment, Josh Grajower and Scott Goldberg discuss alternative models of evaluating student learning.

Mark Hoenig and Moshe Sokolow discuss the ways in which Covid-19 impacted tefillah, and the implications for Jewish education.

Recognizing the critical role of the teacher, Yehuda Chanales and Mordechai Schiffman present programmatic and professional development needs and opportunities.

Finally, sharing the passion of Jewish educators to inspire and connect with their students, regardless of the challenges any situation provides, Yehuda Deutsch and Laya Salomon offer thoughts on enduring Jewish educational truths. 

Updated: May. 11, 2021
